Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Definitions

“Don't patronize me, you know I would shoot”

“I don't, I just don't understand why I can't be allowed to try?”

This was a dilemma that Romeo didn't have an answer to.

He is invisible to practically all man-kind, yet the Indian Army spots him many times an year trying to scale the India Gate in Lutyen's Delhi. One of the best guarded places in the world. This is where the political hob-bobs sleep, while men in uniform guard their homes. The India Gate is a symbol of what Delhi could have been, they guard it with their lives.

Each vampire has a place where he is allowed to rest. They don't sleep, they don't eat, they don't sweat, they don't cry. Romeo remembered the words told to him, “There!!! Shall you rest” and his father pointed to the top of India Gate. He was spotted trying to climb on his way up home. If these men didn't know enough they would have shot him a million times already. In their eyes he was a weirdo trying to scale yet again. They even had a name for him. “Romeo” Fate as it seems isn't without a sense of irony.

He would have to fly again. He hates flying. Teleporting was an option that he didn't want to use. Each time vampires teleport they lose a bit of time. They lose themselves. It's the only real power they have and they have to pay dearly each time they use it. He shall have to fly. It hurts to fly in Delhi. There are moths all around, the velocity is way too high and sand practically fill your lungs while trying. There was no place to go. It would be some time before he can find another Djinn.

A little walk to the bus stop and he boarded bus number 460. The bus conductor was shouting out the places where the bus would go. He didn't need to go far. Four stops down and he shall do it. He got down near 'All India Radio' and slipped in the worm-holes that were only known to him. Climbing on the broadcasting tower, he cursed his father. “Why couldn't you point out to this tower and say 'There!!! Shall you rest' “ All India Road is one of the few places where you find bureaucracy is misplaced. It's controlled by an army of men who believe radio is powerful than YouTube. Their misplaced ego-trips have resulted in the degrading infrastructure and the tower was one of them.

He jumped. Free-falling he counted the seconds. 20-19-18------------------9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and recited:

For I fly there shall be one who falls,
For I try there shall be one who stalls

Up in the air, he knew it would take him exactly 6 seconds to reach the top of his home. 5-4-3-2-1. Covered with polluted air-silt he lay back on the top of his home, while the world below gazed at the marvel monument.

He had time now. To think for the cause, to think for the answers, to think of deceit. There is time, the Djinn has said. All he had was time, he couldn't stop it. Vampires don't play with their fate. Humans are allowed to do that. They just have time to let each-one play out their part.

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